Communities of Learning

Communities of learning are a robust method for advancing both professionally and personally and an effective tactic for fostering positive transformation and enhancement. Utilizing communities of learning within a framework of person-centeredness involves fostering environments where individuals collectively engage in knowledge sharing, collaborative problem solving, and skill development while prioritizing the unique needs, perspectives, and autonomy of the individuals and populations involved. This approach emphasizes creating supportive communities where individuals and populations feel valued, respected, and empowered to contribute their insights and experiences toward mutual growth and development.

Join us in our Communities of Learning

Dates, times, meeting rooms, and virtual links are coming soon
  • Ethics of Person-Centered Care, September 2024 Living with Disabilities, October, 2024
  • Underrepresented populations. November 2024 This month, we will focus on the care of the LGBTQ+ population.
  • Mental Health/Wellness, December, 2024
  • Aging Adults, January 2024

Also available is a Community of Learning in partnership with the: University of Wisconsin, Interprofessional Continuing Education Partnership: Person-Centered Care